For this page, I’ll be using the name “Yu Narukami” to refer to the protagonist. Since the game is pretty open-ended in terms of how social links progress, all social links and optional cutscenes such as evening hangouts or dates will be covered at the end.
The first time Yu meets Yosuke is on 4/12. In these early scenes, Yu doesn’t make an attempt to reach out, instead letting the others come to him.
You only actually meet Yosuke on 4/13, when Yu “saves” him from the trashcan. Immediately, Yosuke’s friendly off the bat, offering to get him steak to pay him back, almost taking Yu under his wing as a fellow transfer student. In this, we see that Yosuke’s the first one to reach out to Yu, representing his Magician arcana perfectly as the beginning of Yu’s journey to make bonds.
[images of defending yosuke from saki’s teasing]Yukiko and Chie are also friendly, but it seems to be more out of curiosity on Chie’s part rather than the more genuine attempt at sparking friendship from Yosuke. What’s interesting about these early scenes is that despite Yu’s reservations about reaching out to anyone, including Yosuke, he still has options for stepping up to defend Yosuke from Saki’s teasing remarks, putting himself “on the line” for someone who is still mostly a stranger, even if it is only the mildest of risks.
Something that goes unnoticed pretty often is the fact that until Naoto joins the team, Yosuke’s the character to most often make remarks or observations that push the plot and mystery forwards. The first time this is seen is on 4/15, after Saki’s death. Yosuke realizes that Saki and the announcer Mayumi Yamano were both rumored to have been on TV the night before their death. Furthermore, he connects the comment Teddie made about people being thrown into the TV to the deaths as a possible method of murder.
[ideas man]This is the start of the game treating Yosuke as Yu’s “mouth”, the character who represents the players’ thoughts and opinions (this is stated officially within the artbook by Soejima as the actual intent for Yosuke’s character). This is mostly for the sake of keeping Yu a silent protagonist, but has the unintended side effect of implying that Yosuke is speaking up on behalf of Yu and voicing Yu’s thoughts for him. With this sort of relationship, Yosuke can be thought of as a second-in-command or advisor for Yu. Yosuke even says as much himself, calling himself more of “an ideas man” on 4/17 after the Shadow Chie confrontation.
The Shadow Yosuke encounter is pretty heavily focused on Yosuke, though Yosuke is appreciative of everything Yu does during the confrontation.
Yosuke’s the one to truly start the investigation, and it happens in his scripted social link Rank 1 on 4/16. The obviously souyo option is “It has to be us”, where Yosuke responds with a “Hehe… Cool. It’s reassuring to hear someone else saying it”. No matter what, though, he outright states that he feels reassured by Yu being around, saying that “I feel like, as long as you’re with me, I can find the culprit and crack the case”.
On 4/17, you go into the TV with Chie and Yosuke (after a side trip to the Inaba police station jail cell) and end up confronting Chie's shadow. Some highlights include the fact that this is the first time Yosuke can call you "partner" (during the all out attack), Yosuke letting Yu know to not "hesitate to order [him] around", and Yosuke being "cool playing second banana" to Yu. This is again also when Yosuke says he's more of an advisor, as mentioned above.
watch dancing playthru, dancing partner gifs, "are you two a couple?"
arena routes (focus on yosuke's), blazblue lines
date cafe, marriage scene, can't handle praise, he may be my partner but that doesn't apply to everyone, ne aibou? sou da ne... aibou
naoki content?, magician, pq
hospital scene, yosuke shadow kubo, ameno-sagiri awakening. does p4ga have anything new?
stage show "you're making me blush", alarm clock (lol), novel?, director commentary